Why am I always sleepy? We’ll Explain.

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“Why am I always sleepy?” That’s the question many of us ask ourselves every time we yawn without knowing why. Here we explain what might be happening.

Sleep is a physiological state of natural self-regulation in the body; however, it can be the result of some underlying condition you may not be aware of if you suffer from excessive sleepiness (despite getting enough sleep), feel tired, and/or have the urge to sleep all day.

Here’s a list of the most common diseases that cause an unnatural increase in sleep:

Why am I always sleepy? We'll Explain.

Thyroid problems: The thyroid is a gland located at the base of the neck that regulates your energy levels, metabolism, and immune system. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include dry skin, sleepiness, weight gain, and constant coldness.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: It’s a disorder with unknown causes, but it causes extreme fatigue, lack of concentration, memory loss, joint pain, and sleep problems in those who suffer from it.

Anemia: Anemia is a condition in which the blood doesn’t have enough red blood cells, vitamin B12, and iron deficiency, which means the body doesn’t have enough energy to function properly.

Diabetes: When your body struggles to manage blood glucose levels, it can cause persistent tiredness and sleepiness.

Clinical Depression: Clinical depression is a brain disorder that can manifest through recurrent sleep, sadness, lack of appetite, and willpower.

Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea is a respiratory disorder in which breathing is interrupted or becomes very shallow, resulting in shallow sleep and feeling tired all day.

Idiopathic Hypersomnia: According to a report from the Mayo Clinic, this is a rare sleep disorder that causes daytime sleepiness, even after having slept enough at night. It also occurs after naps, causing confusion upon waking and the feeling of not having rested enough. This condition, which typically develops progressively, should be diagnosed by a doctor and can be treated with medication.

After listing these causes, our recommendation is that if you have any of these symptoms or suspect any underlying condition, you should consult a healthcare professional to receive the appropriate treatment.

Cheer up! If you feel tired, there’s surely a solution!

About the author: Paulina Aguilar

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